Here are some of the cast, along with Dallas Travers, and fellow filmmaker, Lee Davis. A great time was had by all and the $4.00 happy hour margaritas at Tart can't be beat!
Finally, I arrive in Scotland and with it the colder weather. It's only around 50F, about 15 degrees cooler than London. Still, the country's beautiful lush landscape and the friendly people would warm anyone's heart even amist the cold climate. I get to Glasgow and take the local subway to Blairhill where I meet Wilma; one of the organizers of the film festival. She has curly blonde hair and the sweetest dispostion. Eh ow Stayce! Em Wilma. Ce-an aye elp eew wit at?
What? Sorry? I said. Ce-an aye elp eew wit at? She points to my bag. Oh! Thank you! I replied. We made our way up to the street and there to meet us were Duncan (another judge, organizer and Wilma's husband) and Martin, the festival director. We all piled into Duncan's car and heading towards the Georgion Hotel.
The hotel is a sweet, old, Georgian style house dating back to the early 1800's. I sign in, get my room, and go upstairs to freshen up as the others wait for me in the pub below. The rooms are very nice and more spacious than London. They have a Scottish tartan as part of the curtains above my window. The view from my room is beautiful as it looks out over the rooftops of some gorgeous homes and just beyond, you can see more of the amazing Scottish countryside.
After I get myself situated in my room, I make my way down the stairs to join the others. Duncan is quite funny and his spritely energy is bouncing off the walls. Wilma is funny as well in a more subtle way and very sweet. Martin is a very passionate about films as it is evident when he talks about the film festival and his goal to inspire more independent filmmaking in Scotland.
It takes me a while to get use to their thick accent, but the pint of Guiness that I had begun to drink helps. An hour turns into 3 and Duncan insists that I have a drink of Scottish whisky. I didn't want to offend my gracious host, and I figured why not try it? To my surprise it was quite good and even sweet! Martin had to leave and get things prepared for tomorrow. A few moments later, some friends of Duncan and Wilma came filtered into the pub and we started chatting with them. Everyone seemed fascinated to find out I was from America --let alone--Los Angeles. As the Barman yelled out last call, one of Duncan and Wilma's friends, Liam, invited us back to his flat. It was just down the road so we all ventured out even though it had begun to a rain a bit.
Liam's flat was very nice and his friends were entertaining and funny. One of Duncan's friends, Dylan, brought his guitar and he began playing several Beatle's songs, the Rolling Stones, as well as others. Everyone joined in singing and playing the guitar. I had stopped drinking at that point, but not my new Scottish friends. They continue throughout the night. More music was played via CD's and people began to dance. The Scots certainly know how to drink and throw a party--everyone was having a grand time. I'm sure part of it was that it was Saturday night and maybe other part is that their sometimes dreary weather makes them want to celebrate regardless.
It's close to 3am and I'm starting to feel tired. Wilma offers to walk me back to the hotel/B&B as it's only a block away. She gives me a big hug and says how glad she is that I'm here and offers to take me around areas of Scotland during the day before the film festival starts. I thanked her for her warm heart and hospitality.
I make my way up the stairs to my room (1 flight of stairs vs. 3 in London) and I fall on my bed smiling, happy to be in Scotland and to have already made some wonderful friends!